Introducing the Maryland Undergraduate Research Journal!


We are proud to announce the establishment of the Maryland Undergraduate Research Journal! Founded in early 2022, MURJ is an annual publication hoping to feature a range of undergraduate research conducted at the University of Maryland. A multidisciplinary research journal, MURJ accepts submissions from a variety of disciplines. It is our goal to promote the growth of undergraduates as both researchers and as individuals, in addition to contributing to the overall academic discourse at the University of Maryland. MURJ hopes to highlight the importance of student-led research at the University of Maryland. As such, our journal is run entirely by University of Maryland students, many of whom are active members of the community. Our staff is a diverse group with a distinct set of interests; however, we all share the common goal of improving the undergraduate research experience at the University of Maryland. MURJ is focused primarily on students, but we have several faculty in supporting roles to which we extend our gratitude. We would especially like to thank our faculty advisor Dr. Katerina Thompson, who has supported MURJ throughout our launch. We look forward to serving the University of Maryland community!

The Maryland Undergraduate Research Journal